Waku Objects are mini-applications that can be added to a host chat application and extend its functionalities. People interact with Waku Objects within the chat to execute specific transactional cryptographic protocols.

Waku Play includes Waku Chat, a basic chat application and a set of Waku Objects that can be integrated to the chat application. Waku Play is a proof-of-concept built on Waku, a decentralised messaging protocol.

Waku Chat

A simple chat application built on Waku. Initially created as a sandbox for developing Waku Objects.

Waku Chat is a decentralised, censorship-resistant and private communication app, with a built-in crypto wallet. Users enhance their private and group chats with small app widgets called Waku Objects.

Waku Objects

Payggy object logo


Payggy is a Waku Object you can use to send money (any ERC20, ETH) to your friends. It can be used in both group chat and direct messages.

SafeMeet object logo


With SafeMeet, two people can meet each other in the real world without having to worry about their privacy or safety. SafeMeet follows a specific security protocol and guides you every step of the way.

Split object logo


Share expenses with a group of friends - with Split you can add expenses, or settle what you owe at any time.

Swarm City object logo

Swarm City

Whatever you need, whenever you need it: ask for it in a group chat, users can respond with their offer. Choose a provider, use the escrow functionality and successfully trade goods and services while gaining Swarm.city reputation.


Waku Play is an open source system, so anyone can create a Waku Object or fork Waku Chat.

Get started by cloning the repository for Waku Chat, or dive into the documentation and design guidelines. They exist to promote consistency in code and user experience.

Why Waku Play?

The concept of a "chat app to rule them all" refers to an all-encompassing, feature-rich messaging application that provides a wide range of services and functionalities beyond just text messaging. WeChat is a prime example of such an app, especially popular in China, where it has become a central part of people's lives. It goes beyond simple messaging, offering features such as social networking, mobile payments, gaming, shopping, and various other services, making it an indispensable platform for many users.

While these super apps have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate and interact online, they raise concerns about data privacy, user surveillance, and the centralized control of user data by corporations and states. Many users have become increasingly cautious about their digital footprints and the potential misuse of their personal information.

Waku Objects aims to be a starting point for a concerted effort from both developers and users who value privacy, decentralization, and openness. With time, effort, and support, a decentralized and open chat app could emerge as a formidable competitor to the existing corporate behemoths.

Data Privacy and Security

In centralized chat apps, user data is stored on servers controlled by a company, making it susceptible to data breaches and surveillance by states. An open, distributed alternative employs end-to-end encryption and decentralized storage, giving users more control over their data and enhancing security.

Avoiding Vendor Lock-in

With proprietary chat apps, users are tied to a specific ecosystem, limiting their freedom to switch between platforms. An open alternative ensures interoperability and allows users to communicate across different platforms seamlessly.

Community-Driven Development:

A decentralized and open platform fostering a community of developers who can contribute to its improvement and ensure that it serves the needs and interests of its users, rather than being driven solely by profit motives.

Global Accessibility

Accessible to users worldwide, including those in regions where certain corporate apps might be restricted or inaccessible.

Innovation and Customization:

Encouraging innovation and customization, allowing developers to create new features and extensions that suit their needs and preferences.

wakuplay.im by Logos Innovation Lab — fall 2023

Logos Innovation Lab prototypes open source technology that promotes peaceful coordination using the Logos stack, so humans can voluntarily find each other, communicate, and transact value.