
Adding to Chat

A new Split instance can be added to any group chat by using the “+” button, close the message input.

Creating a new expenses collection

Shared expenses are organized into collections. As a first step, I have to choose between creating a new collection or adding a shared expense to an existing collection. A new collection is shared with everyone in the chat.

Choosing an existing collection

From the initial screen, I can also choose to add an expense to an existing collection. Note that this can also be done directly by accessing any expense collection from the chat.

Adding paid amount

After creating (or selecting) an expenses collection, I have to enter the paid amount for the expense I would like to share.

Adding expense details

After adding the paid amount, I need to add a short description. I can also add images, but this is optional.


The summary view allows me to check the expense details I provided, before adding to the chat. The current version assumes that there's only a default collection of expenses for each group chat. Possibly, there could be an option to create multiple shared expenses collections within a single group chat.

In-chat messages

Split will post messages to the chat only when a new shared expense is added and when someone requests to settle.

Expense page (standalone)

From the in-chat message, it's possible to view the expense details directly. The expense page displays the expense details, key actions and a link to view the whole accounting for the collection.

Split full view

By tapping on any Swarm City instance I can access the Waku Object full view, where more information and actions are available. The Split full view has three subpages: “Payments summary”, “All expenses” and “Activity history”.

Adding an expense to an existing collection

From the collection view I can add a new shared expense to that collection.

Payments summary

The “Payments summary” view displays the current payment balance for each group member. In the footer I can see my current payment balance along with the option to settle, or ask to settle if I lent money to the group.

All expenses

The “All expenses” view displays a list of all shared expense within a collection. By tapping on any expense I can access the expense details view. Note that it's possible to pay my share of a specific expense (or request payment for it).

Activity history

By default, only the latest or new (unseen) activity is displayed on top of the full view. All activity related to a Split instance can be viewed in the “Activity history” view.


Under the “Members” section I can see a list of all the people that are in that collection. Every shared expense added to that collection will be split equally between all members.

Settling up

I can request group members to settle up, this will send an anonymous message in the group chat with a “Settle now” button for those who owe money. It's also possible to settle up at anytime from the Split full view or from the “Payments summary”.

wakuplay.im by Logos Innovation Lab — fall 2023

Logos Innovation Lab prototypes open source technology that promotes peaceful coordination using the Logos stack, so humans can voluntarily find each other, communicate, and transact value.